Monday, October 25, 2010

standard 6

suddenly je rindu nk msok stndrd 6 blk :') jaoh frm all the stress yg i have to face it ble msok secndary school . haaa , ths pic time bln puase :) hee , adira bdk baek . bln puase je pakai tdung , mse stndrd 6 je :D hahaha , rindu time ni . semgt gyla alya tgh bcerita psl apa tah , haha . ths is after upsr kot if tk silap . we were having so much fun , buat cheerleader , buat high school musical dancing on anugerah cmerlang day , maen futsall evryday dgn all the guys , ahhh byk ar :) blik skola pgy OU dgn aimi , plan pkai dress la , pkai mini skirt la . haha , lawak gyla :D mntang mntang skola ktorg right infrnt of OU , hee , rindu my babe :) aimi dalila . i miss you so much :( sumpah i nk jmpe and hang out dgn you lagi oh . ktorg bsy sgt ble da msok scndary school ni . cnctct pon jarg sbb shes in asrama , haaa . byk la lost cntct dgn kawan kawan lme . haihhh , kn best if scndary school pon cm primary school :) tkda byk prblem , tkda stress , tkda tntion . ni tak , pecah pale otak :( eishhh

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