Thursday, March 3, 2011

i came to schl ths morning wth a very 'ouch' face , msti wndering why , haaa period pain :( shit , it hurt me like hell , only god knws . haa , i went to the cnteen and i saw fatin was crying . i asked her wht happen . she told me abt wht had hppend to her . after a while , i was crying too . i dnt knw why , fatins problem rly mde me cry evnthough theres nthng abt me :'(
i went into the class and strted reading physics . well , i had my physics exam jst now :) i dnt wanna tell how was it bcos i was quite dssapointd wth it . i cant actually focused on it bcos of the period pain i had :/ bt i knw i did my best :') hope so .
sddnly i feel like i miss my old fren , mohd sharunizam . aaa , series i miss you like hell doh :/ i was tlking abt him to poci , syaq , azreen , alwani and farah . rmmbered bck abt those moments we had bfre :') rly miss it .
if you are reading ths , you shld rly apprciate us fr stil rmmber abt you even its alrdy one yr past :) hehe . rmmber abt the moment when i used to looked at him when the frst time he came to our schl . i was like , woahhh , new stdent , haha . mcm berok la skit nmpk new stdent :p
bt at frst he wasnt in my class . he took biology :) bt last last he thnks tht bios hard so masok la keruing . yah , keruings the best ;) we are one and only , haha .
the best part was , the time we had to do oral . we had so much fun during prctce :) hes a kind of a funny guy , loves to make jokes arnd , suka sgt cari gadoh dgn poci haha and bsdes tht , nizam ni pandai :) if tak pandai tkkn bole msok mrsm kn , siap jdi the best student in aspura , like holimacro , mamat ni , haha . okay , enough of puji-ing him ;D
the moment when he told me he had to leave and masok mrsm , i cried :o mcm , haha , funny plus lawak ah . hek , same la tu . okay , yahhh , i cnt blieve tht i cried . maybe sbb i jst knw him and being bestfren wth him mcm abt 2 mnths mcm tu . bt i rly did feel so sad bcos he had to leave us . i dint even talk to him fr like the whole day in schl . he said his dad was the one who forced him . so , yahhh kene la accept it kan . 
bt now , ktorg mcm da lost cntct skit :( he was bsy wth the stuation in mrsm , fr sure la kn . 
okay , thts all abt nizam :)

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